Monthly Archives: April 2015

Crazy About Signs!

As I have said, my family is multi-generational when it comes to sign making. Maybe it’s a DNA thing or maybe it is just in the blood. I think in order to really appreciate what you do, you have to love it first. So I am always admiring signs. I know. Weird, right? New signs. Old signs. Doesn’t matter! I just love them! They are art!

Coke 4Check out this beauty! A true American classic. As you can tell, I don’t mind a little rust either. So if you come across an old sign, let me know and I just might display it in my collection.



What is the Cost of a Faded Traffic Sign?

So what is the cost of a faded sign like this? Believe it or not, this is a sign that is currently up. People naturally stop. I haven’t seen anyone run this stop sign. Just on face value, though, it just looks bad. Who doesn’t see this and think someone has dropped the ball? Just so you know, in the interest of full disclosure, this sign is located coming out of a large retail store but appears to be on a government right-of-way. (Continued below picture)

Faded Stop Sign
So who is responsible for the replacement of this sign? It seems to me that the retailer would replace it to keep their location ecstatically pleasing but that is not what the issue is in my mind. What if someone runs this and is gravely injured or just moderately injured? Would any normal person feel bad? Of course they would.

The other thing I find glaring is this. If there is an accident, and it probably is just an issue of when there is an accident, who is going to be sued. The retailer? The local government? Probably both. And all for what? Because someone did not want to pay to replace a $55 (MSRP). This would not cost even one hour of defense attorney’s fees.

Bottom line and most importantly, is that it should have been figured out a long time ago of who would replace this sign before someone is in a serious accident.

If anyone ever needs to purchase a stop sign, we keep them in stock. The sign is just too important not to keep on hand.

By the way. I sure hope Beau has made it home.


Why Signs?

Myself and my company, Traffic Signs, Inc. [and we do all commercial types of signs also (like us on Facebook please!)], we get it. We understand, not only what you want but we understand what you need. Before you accuse me of being a know it all, please bear with me.

Have you ever given any thought to the guy with the tattoo on his arm? I mean any real thought other than “Cool tat!” or “Who would get THAT on their body?!”. How about a woman wearing a nice blouse? Or a good ol’ boy wearing a favorite camouflage hat? Or someone wearing a shirt with a favorite sports team logo? What could all of these people from different sides of life have in common? They are trying to tell you something about themselves and they are displaying something they like.

So what does this have to do with signs? I have seen it at least 50 times. Someone has a dream of starting a business. Being their own boss! Making it BIG! Serving their community! Making extra cash! Heck!! Maybe even becoming rich!!! The American dream. Well, one dream at least. So they spend years working out the details in their mind, squirreling away money, picking out an ideal location, begging for loans at the bank, etc. and then one day they take that step. They find that spot, put their ideas into action, wheel and deal and find those bargains, burn the midnight oil, get close to opening day and then it happens. They are out of money. Of course there is no turning back. They are so close to the end and opening day they can taste it! Victory! So they think where they can cut corners. They look at what is left to be done. Landscaping? Do we really need bushes? Great signage? “The estimate was HOW MUCH??!!!!! WHY SHOULD WE PAY THAT MUCH JUST FOR A SIGN??!!!”

Here’s why a GREAT SIGN, landscaping and a fresh coat of paint on the outside of the building should be a top priority. People will drive by your business and they will see your sign first. Before they know anything about your business, they will see your sign first. And we all know what they say about first impressions. They mean everything. No sign and things look bad on the outside? I have yet to see any business survive with a bad first impression.

For example, there was a restaurant that opened. I won’t say who, when or where to protect the innocent.  They actually have great food but for two weeks after opening, they had not put up a sign. Finally a sign. So that was off the list and I really don’t even think about it anymore. The exterior paint job was done sloppy (paint going from over the wood and onto the stone and brick and dripped onto the sidewalk). On the inside, the same thing. The paint job was poor. I waited a few weeks just to see if they would fix everything. Months went by. Nope. Maybe I wouldn’t have noticed these things if the sign had been missing in the first place.

So what’s the big deal. Simply, once a customer sees something wrong, they start looking for other things to be wrong. They start picking at the pin hole in the clothe and before you know it, it is coming undone and at some point it is unraveling too fast to repair the damage. Or let’s just say you are the kind of person not to notice the small things. Who’s to say you didn’t notice it in the back of your mind? Even if the business survives, does it cost them customers? Most likely. What if that was your business? Wouldn’t you want it to succeed and have that good first impression with a great sign?

In other words, the restaurant put up a new sign and fixed that mistake. I noticed. Looks good! I don’t even think about it but they have not fixed the paint job and I notice that too. That might sound a bit picky but it is what I do for a living and I am a customer. I still eat there because like I said, it’s really good food.

So back to signs, a new business owner and someone wearing a favorite shirt and what all this has in common? When you think that you should skip good signage, remember that it is a first impression. A sign is your favorite shirt or tattoo or jewelry or whatever appeals to you. You are not only saying look at my professional business but I LOVE my business! I LOVE working here! Look what I have to offer! I want you to LOVE it too!

If you need signage that can tell the world about you, your business, organization, event, motto, or any message, let us go to work for you. We will understand what you want and what you need.
