A Sign’s Subliminal Message

Handmade Sign

In “Why Signs?” from 4/13/2015, I was pointing out how signage is really the face of what you are trying to accomplish. It is the first impression of what you are hoping to accomplish. Imagine that there is an estate sale and there is some high end furniture available. Would you be intrigued with a sign made out of a Sharpie and cardboard or would you just see that sign and think it was a dime and a quarter yard sale? I don’t have problems with a dime and a quarter yard sales. I like browsing. I’m still holding out for that leg lamp from “A Christmas Story”, but $2 is my maximum price.

The point is that the sign has a second, hidden message. Don’t believe me? Just look at the picture above. Luxury Condo? Maybe. But seeing this makes me think that the condo owner is a tightwad and how do I know they weren’t being a tightwad with repairs? Odds are, a buyer will take the seller about as serious as they took their signage. Sad that a $300,000+ sale was shot down by the lack of a professionally made sign that would cost no more than $25.


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