Monthly Archives: May 2015

Free Suicide Prevention Signs

Suicide PreventionI’m sitting here at my keyboard trying to figure out how to talk about suicide.  Those that are close to me would find it hard to believe that I am at a loss for words. I just have this overwhelming fear that I will say the wrong thing.

I guess being in my late 40’s, I have known several people that have committed suicide and was at a loss for words then. None have been immediate friends or kin but I have known a couple fairly well. To be honest, I didn’t see it coming. I guess I am like anyone else. I sit around and wonder if I missed something. Is there someway I could have helped if I did see anything? Could I have stopped them? I’ll replay all the conversations in my head in the few days before just to see if there was something I missed. Maybe that will help me if, God forbid, there is a next time with another person. I think most of us are going through this.

So after another life lost in our small town, I wanted to do something. I struggled with ideas then this one popped into my head. I mean, after all, I do make signs for a living. I just wanted to make a difference. So I quickly Googled the Suicide Prevention Lifeline for the phone number and the idea for the sign above was born.

Since this is personal for me, I didn’t want to charge money. This is not a money making endeavor. Unfortunately, reality is real and I don’t have an infinite supply of funds. So I ran 20 signs and I am offering them for free. I will accept donations. I would like to run some more but only if I can get some donations and only if there is a demand for more.

Finally, if you have lost someone close to you for any reason, my heart goes out to you.


A Sign’s Subliminal Message

Handmade Sign

In “Why Signs?” from 4/13/2015, I was pointing out how signage is really the face of what you are trying to accomplish. It is the first impression of what you are hoping to accomplish. Imagine that there is an estate sale and there is some high end furniture available. Would you be intrigued with a sign made out of a Sharpie and cardboard or would you just see that sign and think it was a dime and a quarter yard sale? I don’t have problems with a dime and a quarter yard sales. I like browsing. I’m still holding out for that leg lamp from “A Christmas Story”, but $2 is my maximum price.

The point is that the sign has a second, hidden message. Don’t believe me? Just look at the picture above. Luxury Condo? Maybe. But seeing this makes me think that the condo owner is a tightwad and how do I know they weren’t being a tightwad with repairs? Odds are, a buyer will take the seller about as serious as they took their signage. Sad that a $300,000+ sale was shot down by the lack of a professionally made sign that would cost no more than $25.
